Dobrado updates feed

xero_callback typo

Fixed a typo plus try adding some files that weren't added in previous updates.
core 58 false

Xero2 module support

Vendor folder required for new Xero2 module and oauth callback file for new Xero api.
core 57 false

Admin editor group

Add admin editor group to permission.php so that other users can create and edit admin pages.
core 56 false


Try fixing a deploy bug that hangs on the Reader switching update feeds by waiting before adding the new feed.
reader 45 true


Fix some typos in last commit, plus make sure urlencode is always used with Microsub requests and that a channel is always set when adding a feed. Javascript for module updated to return urls for author instead of name when setting the channel.
reader 43 true

Nickname cache update

Names are now always set in nickname cache, using url as fallback if required.
core 55 false


Reader->AddFeed is now called from Twitter->Content. Also fixed some Twitter connection issues from previous commit.
twitter 2 true


Fixed some typos in previous commit and added some improvements such as removing Twitter auth when a twitter feed is removed and fixed author name clashes by storing url instead of descriptive names.
reader 41 true

TwitterOAuth library

Add TwitterOAuth library to core files which is used by new Twitter module to connect to Twitter. php/twitter.php provides a callback url for Twitter as well as being able to produce an h-feed for a home timeline. Also improved SimplePie feed discovery when an id is used.
core 53 false

repost-allowed typo fix

The previous core commit didn't update properly so this includes the typo fix.
core 52 false


ShareFullText method now looks for repost-allowed microformats before returning the full text of a post.
writer 6 true


Moved code in Cron method that only runs once a day to the beginning of the function, since the time check was failing because the feed checks were taking more than half an hour.
reader 38 true

Update webmention endpoint

Webmention endpoint needs to be initialized with the admin user, since it can receive follow posts which adds a feed which checks the feed limit for the current user.
core 50 false

Autocomplete bug fix

Missing session_start function call in autocomplete.php. Also allow more nickname cache matching by checking url too.
core 48 false

Automatic Updates

Pass $this->user to core_update function so that update_script function can then be called.
autoupdate 21 true


Stock form now has a browse button next to image input and description field now uses CKEditor.
stock 3 true

Microsub bug fix

Bug fix following last commit to microsub.php, me parameter can be added without scheme, and json_decode requires second parameter. Also category_markup should set u-category when action is not set.
core 46 false

Notify Endpoint

Created a separate notify endpoint for Microsub, rather than extending Micropub protocol. Micropub settings are no longer required to use the new account on a Microsub server. When an IndieAuth user logs in their token endpoint is now stored in case it's required by the Microsub endpoint, which will now check the provided token. The Microsub endpoint now also expects external users to provide their url as a 'me' parameter added to the endpoint.
core 45 false


The url of a new notify endpoint is now provided by the client when first connecting to a Microsub server. Feed subscription limit is now requested from the Microsub server rather than requiring the limit be set on both the client and server.
reader 35 true

SimplePie Parser bug fix

Microformats check needs to happen after the file format check. Also some small fixes to how urls are handled for Indieauth protocol.
core 44 false


Now provides UI for syndicate-to and destination settings found in Micropub config. Also improved native send to twitter option that checks if has been set up and provides an option to start an account on if not.
writer 5 true

repost improvements

category_markup in style.php now only sets u-category on person tags and now that u-repost-of markup is handled by Post module only u-url is required when action provided is repost-of. Simplified the way the repost author is passed along in SimplePie->Parser parse_hcard method. Fixed a bug in parse_hcard in microformats.php where nickname and note were being overwritten with empty strings.
core 43 false


CheckFeed method no longer uses daily parameter, as the valid cache check means the function will exit before the daily check can be used.
reader 33 true

Extended Editor

Add reader-default-limit to templates that can't be modified, also reader-feed-count is not used.
extended 8 false

Fix image cache

Fixed pubDate format in rss.php which didn't match the spec. Fixed a bug in image.php which tried to fetch the original image but didn't check if there was a problem with it.
core 42 false


Fixed a bug where last read timestamp was updated before channel info was fetched, so count was always zero for the current channel.
reader 31 true

Domain Check

Now uses both the Registrar module and the Cart module to offer domain name registration.
domaincheck 9 true

Shopping Cart

Bug fix following last commit, cartItem needs to return false when switching to input field so that it doesn't lose focus.
cart 11 true


Name checks are now case insensitive during import so that product name changes can be handled.
manager 4 true

Shopping Cart

Now allows inline editing of item names in edit mode. SendEmail method now sends a separate email for the business so that a reply-to field can be set to the customer.
cart 10 true

rss fix

Typo'd previous change to rss generator so that only one feed item was being included rather than ten.
core 41 false


Reader module fix errors seen recently showing content that is too long to fit in the reader_items table by switching to mediumtext.
reader 29 true


Webmention improvements, pick up on bad source url after fetch and ignore empty comments which are generated for permalink pages.
post 14 false

verification check

Made the verification check in user->CheckCode case insensitive. Also added some default style rules for audio tags.
core 40 false

Extended Editor

Updated the config and template options that can't be modified in different modes.
extended 7 false

Control Bar

Now updates the page select after a timeout since it doesn't always render correctly.
control 11 false


Now shows subscription count. It also limits the unread count to 99 and displays '99+' in this case.
reader 28 true


Posts created from webactions had empty content so they were deleted as soon as they were made. Also fixed a bug in LookupName which replaced the existing author with the username from settings.
post 13 false

File Browser

Now displays how much space is available. Fixed the way thumbnails were being hidden before the dialog loads.
browser 4 true


More improvements, feeds subscribed to automatically via a list are now only shown in the feed dialog. "Add Feed" label is now Search and will filter the feed list based on input so you can check if you're already subscribed to a feed.
reader 27 true


Added feed export. Removed restriction on importing files via Microsub, and improved importer which can now set the channel for each feed if category is provided.
reader 26 true


Another fix related to the previous one. When the reader is checking for new items don't look at older tables because it's not required that a set amount of new items be returned. Also improved previous fix to channel count updates.
reader 25 true

Shopping Cart

Hidden items are now displayed with the same value as the other items on the page when in edit mode.
cart 9 true


Tried to fix a bug that shows up when using Microsub, last read gets set to an old timestamp when the reader fetches newer items after the initial channel load. Also made a few small UI improvements.
reader 24 true


bug fixes: AddFeed was returning an error when a feed had been added previously. Channel count was getting reset in javascript because value was set to false instead of 0. Following method now looks for target using Microsub API when in client mode.
reader 23 true


A few small fixes following last commit: unset cached token on microsub error, make sure a nickname result is returned when not found in the database, and fixed looking for the repost author when creating a tooltip.
reader 22 true

Increase RSS feed items

Updated default font-family and increased the number of results shown in RSS feed as it was still confusing.
core 39 false


Added a manual check feed button to feed settings. Improved microsub search, if there's only one feed returned just subscribe to that. Lots of small microsub bug fixes and improvements after trying to use it for a few weeks. Nickname method now returns all details for a url so that Post module can store them locally. Improved tooltips so that the channel matches the repost author.
reader 21 true


SetContent method now tries to cache author details by calling Reader->Nickname. Also set the author to the user's preferred username in single user mode.
post 11 false

core bug fixes

install_module.php tried to fix a race condition bug where copied files are read before they are written to disk. remove.php was missing some includes that could be required due to extra work done by Post module Remove method.
core 38 false


reader_items table was created with the wrong collation last time CreateItemsTable was run, so check the value and fix next time.
reader 20 true

Shopping Cart

A few fixes following previous commit, including removing old Update code that should've been removed in the previous change.
cart 5 true

Automatic Updates

Fixed a bug where Install method was called for a module that was already installed.
autoupdate 20 true

Shopping Cart

weight is lost when an item is removed, so calculate it using the name of the item being added. Items can now be grouped together in edit mode so that re-ordering items can be done more easily.
cart 4 true


Reader module can now change change unread value via Microsub, and changing channel order wasn't implemented via Microsub.
reader 18 true

Domain Check

Some small improvements and bug fixes to Domaincheck module following previous commit.
domaincheck 6 true

Domain Check

Domaincheck module can now generate login codes rather than relying on a moderator to create them manually.
domaincheck 5 true

Contact Form

Contact module update Callback now expects email address to be mapped to domain name in single user mode.
contact 3 true


Hosting module now checks if an IP address is set for the 'www' subdomain before creating it.
hosting 5 true

install_module copy check

Fixed a bug in install_module.php, had modified a file so copy function failed but didn't check return value.
core 32 false


Reader module Microsub client improvements and bug fixes (paging wasn't working at all). Also nickname cache will now try local copy and then Microsub server if no result found.
reader 17 true

Nickname cache update

Added a note field to nickname table which is updated by microformats.php. SimplePie mf2 parser also needed to pass on p-nickname when found.
core 31 false

Shopping Cart

Bug fixes following previous Cart module commit, now that date is not always selected need to make sure valid date checks are also done on the server. Also don't try and use the datepicker in js when the matching html hasn't been added to the page.
cart 3 true

Micropub endpoint update

Micropub endpoint now checks for 'notify' action to update the notify table for feed updates.
core 30 false

User Details

Detail module doesn't have access to user settings when logged out so look up required values. Also reload the page when user details are updated instead of only updating the profile picture.
detail 8 true


Manager module fixed a bug when importing files in Sovereign Foods format total was not calculated.
manager 3 true

Shopping Cart

Cart module now supports an option to not show a date input to logged out users. Also removed tracking column from cart_tracking table as just being in the table now means an item is tracked.
cart 2 true

IndieAuth and Microsub fixes

Made IndieAuth a bit friendlier by allow bare domains to be used as input and the endpoints will sort out what scheme to use. Microsub server wasn't looking in the right place for IndieAuth tokens and was also expecting all requests to come in via HTTP GET.
core 29 false


Notification share type was trying to show the repost link but this is not provided so just remove the markup for now.
notification 1 false


Added some better error checking to previous Reader modules changes, and fixed a typo which should've shown up as an error.
reader 12 true


Some small improvements to Comments module based on changes to microformats.php parse_hentry which changes the way mention types are used.
comment 2 false

Extended Editor

Added reader-microsub-client to the list of templates that can't be changed in single user mode. Improved control-page-options editing by resetting the session variable when changed so that the menu gets recreated on page refresh.
extended 5 false

Control Bar

Fixed a bug that meant page-select menu tried to switch channels to a page name when no channels have been created.
control 7 false

Help getting started

Added some more border colors and put ihaza profile back the way it was previously to use channels by default now that page select menu bug is fixed in the Control module.
start 5 true

Help getting started

Fixed a Start module bug, the module's javascript wouldn't run when added from account menu because of the initial selector not matching once the dialog has already opened.
start 4 true

indieConfig bug fix

Fixed a small bug in indieConfig when only status action was set, status returns correct urls, but they shouldn't be modified if they don't have a matching action set.
core 26 false

Extended Editor

Fixed a bug in Extended module, couldn't save config in single user mode because the user field is not shown. Also prevent settings-display template from being modified in single user mode.
extended 4 false

Help getting started

Small text improvements to Start module and add color change for detail indie-action.
start 3 true

deploy.php account form

deploy.php needs to provide account form as it's checked for in javascript.
core 25 false

deploy.php email address

deploy.php no longer asks for account details if an email address is provided as a parameter. Also fixed a bug where username wasn't available to the new request.
core 24 false

Extended Editor

Fixed Extended module bug, could just remove template values that were not meant to be changed in single user mode.
extended 3 false


Allow Writer->UpdateFeedTitle to be called via the Factory method so that a title can be set from custom_deploy.
writer 2 true


Reader module can't change timestamp for autoupdate url, also fix long titles because MySQL will no longer try to store fields longer than their defined length.
reader 10 true

Automatic Updates

Remove version from installed_modules table when an update is removed, so that the next update will install when checked.
autoupdate 19 true

Fix Autoupdate version

New Autoupdate module update can't be installed because of a bug that the update fixes, so apply the database change as a core update.
core 23 false


Call Reader->UpdateFeed from Post->Remove so that websub subscribers can remove the post straight away.
post 7 false

Fix email sending in deploy

Email address wasn't set in the request so it's now saved in the session. php_prefix wasn't set either.
core 22 false

Extended Editor

Fixed a few bugs in Exended module, tabs were switching after adding a new selector and extra rules were displayed when 'new style rule' button was clicked. Also fixed related bug in style.php where the new rule was set as readonly.
extended 2 false

Control Bar

Control module fixed a javascript bug where modified content would be lost if the edit mode button was toggled.
control 6 false

Help getting started

Start module has been modified to allow using it in single user mode to set a username and password and to pick a color theme.
start 1 true


Post module now saves all comment types as normal comments and leaves display up to the Commenteditor module. Also fixed a bug that prevented comments with multiple photos being displayed with a lightbox.
post 6 false

SimplePie file cache

SimplePie file cache now uses subdirectories to make it easier to manage the cache on disk.
core 20 false


Reader->PurgeCache updated to check subdirectories, also added a small fix when checking feed lists.
reader 9 true


Add customizable taxable header field to Stock module downloads. Stock module js now ignores the taxable header when checking for the header row and can also import the new file format for Sovereign Foods.
stock 1 true


Sets the domain as confirmed when finished. Also fixed many bugs since initial version was checked in untested.
hosting 3 true

Domain Check

Domaincheck now provides Confirm method which is now used by the Hosting module.
domaincheck 3 true

Automatic Updates

Autoupdate module bug fix, don't try and install an update if the module isn't installed.
autoupdate 18 true

Custom deploy email

Modify deploy.php so that email is sent after running custom_deploy. Fixed some typos in Login->CheckCode.
core 19 false


Autoupdate module expects Base module Dependencies method to always return an array so updated it to do that.
base 2 false


Hosting module modified certbot command which now requires more flags to run non-interactively.
hosting 2 true

Domain Check

Domaincheck module now allows more types of domain names, fixed some bugs due to typos.
domaincheck 2 true

Automatic Updates

Fixed a few timing bugs in Autoupdate module that need to wait for files to be written. Also older updates that can be skipped are now marked as installed to simplify how updates are checked.
autoupdate 17 true

bug fixes in deploy

Fixed a bug in deploy.js where a class name wasn't removed so couldn't progress to the next step. Fixed a bug in deploy.php, HTMLPurifier wants a Serializer directory created for it. parse_hentry microformats function now uses SimplePie image cache when displaying photo properties for comments.
core 18 false


Log calls to curl_exec. Reading lists weren't being returned properly in ListChannels due to a faulty mysql query.
reader 8 true

Support quotation-of

SimplePie Parser class now also adds quotation-of h-cite content. Don't update images in microformats.php parse_hcard if there's a problem returning the cached version.
core 15 false


Reader module improve formatting for repost author and fixed a typo in SaveItem calling $mysqli_result->fetch_assoc().
reader 6 true

SimplePie Parser

Improvements to mf2 parsing to display the contents and authors of reposts in the Reader module.
core 14 false

Automatic Updates

Remove update code added in previous commit and rebuild the module to trigger an update.
autoupdate 14 true

category_markup function

deploy.php doesn't set single user mode if username is admin. Exit testing if an out of date instance.php was found in create.php. category_markup function in style.php now supports an action parameter.
core 12 false


Reader module now avoids using SimplePie sanitation since HTMLPurifier is also used when the content is saved. No longer lower cases feed urls because it can contain a query string which is not case insensitive. Special case for twitter-atom was removed because the mf2 version of the feed is now available.
reader 4 true


Post module removed hidden webaction link modified in previous commit because it required css which is not used when displayed on other sites. The proper markup is now added to the link saved as a category, which isn't displayed on other sites.
post 4 false

Domain Check

Domaincheck returns confirmed status and registration timestamp for Grid module to display.
domaincheck 1 true

Login Form

Login module now checks DNS records to get TTL when a login code is used but verification is not set. This helps the user know how long the records are cached for before they can try logging in again.
login 2 true

Control Bar

Control module now checks for the Cart module when enabling edit mode and calling it's sort function.
control 2 false

Shopping Cart

Cart module changed sorting cart items to only be available in edit mode. Shipping is no longer calculated for logged in customers. Tracked items are removed from the cart when tracking is turned off from the stock item.
cart 1 true

Automatic Updates

Autoupdate module call to install_module expects version to be a string.
autoupdate 11 true

Add user verification step.

Added new verification step to deploy.php. Dependency checks have changed, so installer.php now expects an array back from install_module and creates a message to return. User class will now check for a verification string when a code is used and look for a matching DNS TXT record.
core 11 false

Automatic Updates

This module can't call the Update method of the new version because it has already been loaded, so this update triggers the previous one.
autoupdate 10 true

Control Bar

Remove user option now requires both site permission and being a member of the admin group. Username is not shown in single user mode.
control 1 false

Automatic Updates

Autoupdate module now stores the id's for the posts it creates so it can remove them if an update is removed. Also forgot to include call to AddTemplateDescription from Install method so try again on next Update. Title placement in module-info was right the first time, just needed to reset the margin. Removed call to sleep when extracting a tar file as the problem was actually a typo in install_module.
autoupdate 9 true


Changed html for links due to the way ckeditor re-writes html, post_draft table entry is now removed when the draft is published.
post 3 false

View Analytics

Fixed a warning in new version of PHP due to strings being coerced to numbers.
viewanalytics 2 true

Automatic Updates

Autoupdate had a few more typos, schedule wasn't set for draft posts and html listing all modules wasn't formatted properly.
autoupdate 8 true

Update username

When update.php is called via WebSub for the autoupdate url, the username needs to be set because it is used by install_module.
core 9 false

User Details

Detail module query stopped working with reminder_repeat set to empty string in latest version of MariaDB so added an extra value to the enum.
detail 2 true

Automatic Updates

Fixed a typo in javascript call for finishInstall, also Update method wasn't called during last update of this module, so leaving new style rules in to check process.
autoupdate 7 true


Reader module now looks up the categories for removed items so that they can be passed to the Autoupdate module.
reader 3 true

Automatic Updates

Improved UI for Autoupdate module, check version number for updates that haven't been installed so that it can be run manually. Fixed a bug where categories must be unique by changing the display value to a string. Updates that are removed from the feed now have their latest version number removed too.
autoupdate 6 true

Script versions

This update adds a script_version table that stores version numbers for the javascript files linked to from page.php. These numbers are increased whenever a module is updated or installed to prevent the browser caching the old files.
core 8 false

Automatic Updates

Autoupdate->InstallModule required an extra step so that the new module could be included, so added FinishInstall function. Also made some changes to how updates feed is published on the build server. There's now an autoupdate-testing template to publish a testing feed when calling CreatePost. This means some sites can choose to receive automatic updates earlier, and if there are any problems the update can now be removed so that a new update can be built with the same version number.
autoupdate 5 1

Single user mode

Added support to User class for single user mode and using a login code. Both are used by deploy.php, single user mode will be set if an email address is passed to the script as a url parameter, a login code will be created if a password is not provided.
core 7 0

Install module function and Mf2 Parser

Added update_only parameter to install_module function since it can't include module.php when called from a module, which means new modules can only be autoloaded via a new request. Updated Mf2 parser to latest version. Fixed a bug in update.php, Reader module must be created with an owner set so that notifications can be created from the Autoupdate module which requires an owner.
core 6 0

Automatic Updates

Missed a required directory change before calling install_module in Autoupdate->SaveItem.
autoupdate 4 1

Automatic Updates

Add Autoupdate notifications for the user installing the module. Fixed a query typo in SaveItem and add some more logging. Made some UI improvements to Autoupdate js using autocomplete.
autoupdate 3 1


Improved url checks for saving posts to Automatic Updates module. Fixed a bug in RenewHub due to urls containing a fragment identifier. Add a special case for twitter feed to look up old names in the nickname cache.
reader 2 1

Test core_update function and SimplePie fix

The previous core update to IDNA Convert class means npdata.ser file is no longer required, so try using core_update to remove it. Also fixed another SimplePie bug in Misc.php due to NULL empty string mismatch.
core 4 0

New version of IDNA Convert class

IDNA Convert class has been updated for PHP 7, fixed a bug in SimplePie that caused an empty fragment to be added to urls. Added missing include for new install_module function in several files.
core 3 0

Automatic Updates

Fixed a bug in Autoupdate module where core updates would try and call install_module. Also allow optional function core_update to return a result.
autoupdate 2 1

Install Module

The installer has been refactored into a new function called install_module which is now also used by the Automatic Updates module.
core 2 0


This is the first core update to Dobrado created using the new Automatic Updates module! It contains the new deploy.php file, which can be copied to a web server and run as a stand-alone file. It follows a step by step process to get Dobrado running on the server.
core 1 0